All units will have an element of theory, which you will need for your FMP
You should work backwards from your aim. If your aim is to study graphic design, opt for projects that contain more of this. Finding out your aim should be the first step, and this aim can change! Don't be worried by this.
Project skills>project brief>evaluation
Formative feedback mid-way and summative feedback at the end.
Use this feedback to develop the skills you need to work on.
All units will have an element of theory, which you will need for your FMP
You should work backwards from your aim. If your aim is to study graphic design, opt for projects that contain more of this. Finding out your aim should be the first step, and this aim can change! Don't be worried by this.
Project skills>project brief>evaluation
Formative feedback mid-way and summative feedback at the end.
Use this feedback to develop the skills you need to work on.